Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I love lamp. And door.

These pictures are from the headquarters of Etsy located in Brooklyn, NY. Etsy also has offices in San Francisco and Berlin. It's no wonder Etsy's headquarters are an eclectic melting pot of ideas and decor. And a ping pong table?! Genius! I love these door ideas, especially the telephone booth door! It is definitely a cool, cheap way to make a door fun and stand out from other boring doors. The second picture is honestly one of my favorite things ever. I LOVE lamp! These lamps are so funky, and creative and I am dying, dying, dying to find one! And look—Etsy uses my same idea (yes, of course it was my idea. wink, wink) of decorating a wall with vintage records! (see June 24th post). It must be fate... Now I just have to figure out a way to work for Etsy so my house can look just like their headquarters. (And so I can live in San Francisco!)

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