Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cheers to little sisters!

SO I must first apologize for my vacation from the blog—my blog-cation if you will. Things have been hectic, a bit stressful, and some things very exciting so my energy was focused elsewhere, but I am ready to jump back into blogging because it is one of my favorite things to focus my energy on. So today I want to give a shout out to my little sister, Averi. Today was her first day of classes of her senior year at Texas Tech. It is almost impossible to imagine that my baby sister is going to be a senior in college. Didn't I just graduate from college, like, yesterday? Oh, yea, it was 5 years ago! (nostalgic sigh) I know Averi is struggling to believe that she is almost done with college too. Yep Av, the real world is right.around.the.corner. Be afraid. Be very afraid...But in honor of Averi (who is also about to turn 21!) I would like for everyone to reminisce about their good 'ole college days. Whether that means reading a book in the library, going to a frat party, or attending a football game (drunk) I want you all to take a moment to think about those glory days. And if you try to tell me that you didn't have any fun in college, then you are lying. So, go on a bar crawl, shot-gun a beer, do a keg-stand, get drunk on a random Tuesday night, lie about your age,  pretend like you have no responsibilities or even take the walk of shame—we all know that college was the best time of our lives. And little sisters exist so the big sisters can live vicariously through their lives...So Averi, as we all sit here in jealousy, we want you to remember how good you have it! Enjoy your senior year and the last year on Mom and Dad's dime. I love you...and don't forget—Hotty Toddy!

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